Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Spil Dansk Dagen i Berlin

The yearly event in Denmark "Spil Dansk Dagen" (smth like "Play Danish Music Day" - a day of celebrating Danish music, but also a day of giving people who normally dont have the possibility to experience live-music, the chance of having artists coming to where they are) will now also take place in Berlin!
That will be on the 20th of October 2012. Two events - one in the afternoon at the Royal Danish Embassy, where Ricco Victor, the head of Spil Dansk Dagen, will open the arrangement, followed by 3 danish artists performing, and in the evening at BiNuuu in Kreuzberg, where 4 Danish artists will perform. Program soon!
Spil Dansk Dagen website

Johanna Elina out in Germany the 14th of September

"It is an unususally peculiar and beautiful debut from the 29-year-old Johanna Elina. There is lyrical depth and evocative and elegantly vasried musical expressions. It is feel-good music, feel-sad music and feel-absolutely-bautiful music throughout all the 10 well-rounded tracks". Photobucket
That were the words from the 6 star-review in the Danish Kultu-Naut, when the debut album for Finnish Johanna Elina came out in Denmark last year. Now the album will be released in Germany, Austria and Switzerland on the 14th of September. Release-tour is planned for February/March 2013. more info at johannaelina.com